Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF) and Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Naples Federico II.

Affiliations: CESifo, CReAM, Rockwool Foundation Berlin.

Ph.D. in Economics, University College London

Research interests: labor economics, public economics, applied microeconomics.


American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2024, 16 (3): 451–80

with G. Albanese (Bank of Italy) and G. de Blasio (Bank of Italy)


with S. Lattanzio (Bank of Italy) 

Accepted for publication at Journal of Demographic Economics

with F. Barbiellini Amidei  (Bank of Italy), M. Gomellini  (Bank of Italy) and P. Piselli  (Bank of Italy) 

WORK IN PROGRESS (Slides/draft available upon request)

with C. Dustmann (UCL), C. Giannetto (UCL), C. Lacava (Frankfurt), V. Pezone (Tilburg), R. Saggio (UBC) and B. Schoefer (Berkeley)

with M. Distefano (LSE) and A. Raute (QMUL)

with E. Di Porto (Naples Federico II), C. Dustmann (UCL) and C. Giannetto (UCL)


lorenzo.incoronato [at] unina.it 

Department of Economics and Statistics

University of Naples Federico II

Via Cintia Monte S. Angelo

80126 Napoli, Italy